Milwaukee Theatre Map

In order to get back on the map, I first created the map.

the map(as of 3.14.13, 9:00AM, there’s a whole new territory inside of “independent projects” that includes comedy, variety, burlesque, and the venues that frequently hold those projects. Also, Uprooted, Angry Young Men Ltd, and TheateRED were added, and I found a better signifier for Fools for Tragedy.)
(as of 9:30 AM, Optimist has shimmied towards “theatre in community,” Alchemist logo was updated, and Milwaukee Theater and their venue the Wisconsin Center District got on there somehow, although placing them was awkward. Also, I’ve been informed that Boulevard is going “poof”, so I poofed them from the map. SAD. I still don’t know if/where I should add dance or film.)
(10:20AM, TrueSkool was added… cuz they’re awesome.)

I’ve heard a lot about the rigor of the “tier system” in Milwaukee performing arts, and joined a lot of discussions about how we rate “success.” It has a lot to do with the size of the theater space and the amount of cash flow, but in creating this image, I’ve noticed some other trends. I know I’ve missed many companies and organizations around town – tell me about them and I will update.

I want to hear the Milwaukee Theatre community’s response. Is this the way the map should be? What else should be on there? If you as an individual were on this map, where would you go? Would you have a jet pack or a paddle boat to move across it?

The first draft of this map is on my living room floor, and Project Empty Space is a leggo pirate ship of magical theatre goodness sailing through and around – meeting individuals and wondering how to connect them all together, and more importantly, connect them to the community outside the map.

Art Bombing Wisconsin!

It’s a magical time of year; a time when lobbyists come to the state government to tell them what’s important enough to need more funding, or, at the very least, not lose the funding they have. Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 13th, is the day for artists around the state if Wisconsin to tell their government that the arts community is a thriving one.

The government wants to hear about how you, as an artist, contribute to local commerce. What do you make and how do you sell it? How do you attract an audience? Why is it important for the state government to keep arts in schools, on the streets, in the studios, and on their minds?

The only good bombs are arts bombs.

Go to this website: to find out:

> How and when to get on a bus to Madison tomorrow
> Who to (virtually) throw art at tomorrow and how to contact them
> How you can contribute with dollars and/or love

PES appreciates you and your art bomb tactics.