Art Bombing Wisconsin!

It’s a magical time of year; a time when lobbyists come to the state government to tell them what’s important enough to need more funding, or, at the very least, not lose the funding they have. Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 13th, is the day for artists around the state if Wisconsin to tell their government that the arts community is a thriving one.

The government wants to hear about how you, as an artist, contribute to local commerce. What do you make and how do you sell it? How do you attract an audience? Why is it important for the state government to keep arts in schools, on the streets, in the studios, and on their minds?

The only good bombs are arts bombs.

Go to this website: to find out:

> How and when to get on a bus to Madison tomorrow
> Who to (virtually) throw art at tomorrow and how to contact them
> How you can contribute with dollars and/or love

PES appreciates you and your art bomb tactics.

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