About P.E.S.

The mission of PROJECT EMPTY SPACE is to introduce new folks to theatre.

New actors. New writers. New directors. New audiences. YOU.

Anyone who wants to get up on a stage and tell their story is fully entitled.
Your life is all the experience you need. Your story could be personal, it could be your favorite fairy tale, it could be Hamlet. If you could put anything you want on stage for an audience, what would it be? What conversations would you spark amongst total strangers who have witnessed your story? What would you like to tell the world? And what’s keeping you from doing it?

PROJECT EMPTY SPACE connects theatrical resources (spaces, equipment, open gatherings, experts, etc.) to the community, and vice-versa, by sharing information and sparking discussion. Whether it’s in a classroom, on a stage, or through social networking, Project Empty Space is listening, reacting, gathering, and creating… with you and for you.

PROJECT EMPTY SPACE  connects quality theatre professionals to the community in a supportive environment, through affordable workshops, discussion groups, parties, events, and love letters.

PROJECT EMPTY SPACE also produces original, quality, locally-conceived shows that are intelligent and exciting.  These productions are written, directed, and acted through a combination of experienced and emerging talent working side-by-side. Have an idea for a project? YOU could be the next spark that ignites our newest production.

More info (including our submissions page and advisory board) can be found at our website

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